Monday, February 22, 2010

Prevention is the best way to keep your costs down

We talk with individuals and employers all day long about how to keep their health insurance costs down. Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet.

In addition, if you are purchasing health insurance as an individual or small business (2-50) employees, the rates are fixed and you just have to "take-it" whenever a carrier says you are getting a rate increase.

So what can you do?

You can focus on what is within your control. You can exercise, eat healthy, manage stress, negotiate with your health care provider (in some cases) and other things that keep you from getting sick or landing in the ER. If you are a user of an HSA (health savings account) you can use some new tools that will help you get more money and find savings.

Here are a couple of sites that you may find useful that help with their online tools and education:

Wellness and Coaching: More Good Years
Provider Negotiations: Medical Costs Advocates
HSA Shopping Rewards: My HSA Rewards

Also, check with your carrier (Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Health Net, Kaiser and more) as most have health coaching, health assessments, cost estimators and other tools that many consumers just are not aware are available.

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